Mothers' Club of Carrick

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The Mothers’ Club of Carrick was a philanthropic organization founded by Harriet Duff Phillips.

"On Friday afternoon, in February 1913, the exact date uncertain, a group of mothers whose children were in the Concord School, held a meeting to talk over ways and means to improve school conditions and to stimulate interest among parents. ...In October, a reorganization meeting was held and it was decided to have women's club which would be open to all women of the community. The meeting was held at the Phillips home, and the name of the Mothers Club was decided upon." (The Mothers' Club of Carrick History - Up to 20th Anniversary 1933)

History of the Mother’s Club


Harriet Duff Phillips

AKA Mrs. John M. Phillips


Memories! Memories! Is there any word more able to still the inner depths of the human heart and mind than this one which has the power to make us sad or glad according as we call to mind the events of the past? Were it not for the sweet memories of childhood, of school days, of home and family, the memories of those we have loved and all the incidents that have made life worthwhile, life would be a dreary thing indeed. As the grandmother sits before her fire, she sees again the children as they play. She lives again her sweet, young life as a mother. The old man with a hearty handshake of his boyhood friends who the years have separated, lives again the days back on the farm. They swim together in the creek. They picnic in the woods. They have been transported back to the paradise of youth. Oh these memories, sweet memories.

It is good to stop awhile and think of the past in terms of comparison with the present. It is good to [reune] reminisce with one’s friends. It helps over hard places as we pause and think of the happy events of bygone days.

Today we have come together, the women of one of the most interesting communities of our country to reminisce and to live again in the memory of the ten years of our club life in Carrick Town. Here on these level hills in sunshine far above the smoke and rumble of the mills it has been our good fortune to live surrounded by all of nature’s duties. No matter where I have traveled through the far North country, over high peaks of the Rockies, through the weird jungles of the South, I have failed to see the morning sun rise with more power, more majesty, more beauty tan from beyond St. Wendolyn’s hill, where it outlines the distant ridge an silhouettes the steepled church and cozy homes against the rosy sky. Nor are the sunsets moor wonderful in any other place. Each evening beyond those low rolling hills we see the afterglow as if it gives us more time in which to wonder at Earth’s beauty and to let us see a little longer the miracle of the newly risen towns that surmount these hills.

Could we seek a place with more of historic interest, more of romance in which to live? I think not. The main highway of our town was once an old Indian trail, winding through forest, then down along the edge of the cliffed hills through the narrow valley to the Monongahela. Later this path was widened by the tramp of the English and French soldiers as they in the service of their countries marched westward in a brave effort to hold the land at the strategic junction of the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers. At some time these solders paused for battle on these very grounds, for cannon balls, tow of which I show you were taken out in the first plowings. Later the old stage coach road was established in communication with the towns of Washington and Brownsville. No doubt, at all, that General Washington himself traveled this road on many occasions.

Brave settlers began to build substantial homes of hewn logs about 1790. Until a few years ago three or four of these still stood like tottering old men mute reminders of the past, but these are now gone. The last two in Carrick were the one down the lane to the south of Mr. Henry Semmelrock’s home at Brownsville Road and Becks Run St. This property was originally bought from the Indians by a Mr. Whiteman for a common axe. The other cabin was to the east of Brownsville Road at Wilson Avenue (Ed. Note this is now Overbrook Blvd). It was a wayside inn and for many years was called the haunted house. A peddler is said to have stopped there on night and was never more seen. Presumably he was murdered. For years his ghost returned at intervals, stamped down the old stairway from the loft then suddenly let fall a door from the kitchen floor into the cellar in order, so superstitious old settlers thought, to let it be known that his body had been done away with in the cellar.

The stories of the early growth of this community are replete with interest. As a child I loved to hear my grandmother tell of the simple, kindly folks who were her neighbors and to the interesting happenings in the lives of many of the generation before her time. They were of people, many of them cultured, refined, and aristocratic as these evidences of their dress will prove to you. They labored and lived in the pioneer days with the highest ideals, laying the foundations which have made possible the community spirit which we have as a Club is emulating today. Our early settlers never wavered when they were given tasks to do. They had their school questions too. This old bell which called the first groups of children together brought forth the same ideas of routine discipline, school equipment, lighting, heating, that we have today. They outrulled their school and moved in to a larger one with the same attendant problem of increased taxation.

The Church in which we have the pleasure in meeting this afternoon is the outgrowth of the humble effort of thirty persons to have a place of worship. This cup and these tokes used at communion ninety years ago are a reminder of the beautiful faith of our ancestors, who although in a rugged country amid great hardships never lost sight of their God.

There were war time days for our Grandmothers (ed. note: probably speaking of the Civil War). These dear good women needed far more courage than we during the last war (ed. note: WWI) for they sent their boys away not under the merciful Red Cross flag with physicians, nurses, and a knowledge of modern methods of surgery but to the sad fate of hours of suffering in case of wound without anesthetics. Many were the sad burials in the sacred acre beside this church (ed. note: Concord Church cemetery).

Then came the smallpox epidemic of 1875. This scourge visited the homes taking off the loved ones and leaving sorrow in its wake. But the spirit of brotherly love which was kindled at that time was kept alive in human hearts to break forth anew in our own sad times of epidemic.

In 1878 the first organization of any kind for community work was made. It was called the Southern Avenue Literary Association. Strange as it may seem the motto of this club was a mutual helpfulness. I did not know this fact until a few days ago when I read my father’s (ed. note: Dr. John Milton Duff) inaugural address which I found among some of his old papers. So we are the outgrowth of years of development. It is not strange then that such seed sown in years gone by should come to a right fruition today for this community has always had a group of those seeking out the best in life.

Ten years – a goodly number when we think that only three generations beyond us were the pioneers of this South Hills Country. But these have been ten years fraught with real life sometimes joyous, sometimes sublime and full of sadness. Through the strong human bond of sympathy and friendships in this club we have been able to stand fast.

I love to think back to those first days of the Mother’s Club. They were such happy days for me. My tiny babies in arms, the dreams of my life for home and family realized. It was natural that I was eager to be associated with any effort to make conditions the best possible for our children. If you bear with me I will rehearse briefly something of the life of the Club. It will be impossible in the short time allotted for this history to do more than mention the outstanding events of the club life. If at any time I seem to be personal I hope you will pardon me for the Mother’s Club of Carrick, the first three years of its existence seemed a part of my very soul.

No records can be found of the first few meetings so I shall have to depend upon my memory for the first few dates.

It was in January 1913 that Professor Sprinkle called meeting of the Mothers of Concord school children to talk over plans for a Parent – Teachers Association. There must have been about forty women present, for the corner second floor room nearest Brownsville Road was well filled. There were many discussions as to the advantages of such an organization by Professor Sprinkle, the attendant teachers and a few of the mothers. As I remember Mrs. Helen Annabell, now gone to her reward was the most enthusiastic for such a movement. It was agreed to perfect an organization of this kind. I was made President and Mrs. Annabelle Secretary. It was planned to have meetings monthly. The next one was called for February at the Concord School, but I remember my discouragement when only a few came out. I felt it was not going to be a success. Nevertheless I made up my mind to try harder the next month to interest the women in some phase of educational work. Since one of the main subjects to be considered in such an organization was the health of the children I thought perhaps it would e well to invite a woman physician to talk on this subject and to entice the women with the promise of a splendid social hour. I made a large basket of sandwiches and prepared enough cakes for a goodly crowd but again disappointment. We succeeded in distributing almost all of the provisions to a number of children play about the school.

We had our lecture. Wonderfully interesting but shocking to the moral sense of a few women who although they were the mothers of children considered it indecent to discuss such matters in a group under the guidance of a woman physician. That subject was tabooed.

April seemed to be a good month to have as a subject for discussion the games of the children. I can feel again the disappointment when upon opening the meeting there was only one woman for each of the front seats in that back corner room. The men had some decided ideas on the subject of women’s sphere in those long ago days and I sincerely believe that many women would have enjoyed the meetings but were so criticized upon their return home that they could not endure being told that they would soon belong to that woman’s rights crown. More than one of my friends told me that her husband objected to her belonging to a club.

I was enjoying the prospect of a new baby and was not willing to have my peace of mind disturbed by planning for any more meetings so for the summer months all efforts were abandoned. John, Junior, was born in August so that I could do nothing until October. One evening I invited a few of the women to my home to talk over making a new start. I wish I could be sure that I remember every dear woman who came that evening. Most of them are the dearest friends I have in this world today. But I shall not mention any of the names lest perchance I might miss one and every woman who gave encouragement at that time was equally helpful in the foundation of the Mother’s Club. I wish those of this number who were present at my home that evening would stand. Most of the meetings that year were held in our library for as the babies went to bed a seven I was very free for the evening and could be called if it was necessary. Those who came to the meetings began to see the possibilities of what could be done for the bettering of the conditions in our Borough especially with reference to the schools. There was no thought of interference with political life although it was just at this time that petty differences and unfortunate happenings in politics robbed the community of much of its old time glory. But the club lived, grew and waxed strong during that winter. I wish I might have time to go into some of the interesting stories of this humble beginning, but I shall have to reserve a more detailed account until our twenty-fifth anniversary when I trust our records may be printed for all to enjoy at their leisure. It was during this winter, too, that the first effort to develop some form of work among our boys was attempted. Each Friday evening our home was open to the boys of the neighborhood over 12 years old. Some of the sweetest memories of our first year’s work are those of the delightful meetings with those eager, energetic boys. I recall one particular meeting the picture of which I shall pass for you to see. It was a patriotic party. I told the boys the story of the Man Without a Country, as I sat on the piano chair with a group of boys around me. About a month later one of the little chaps said to me Mrs. Phillips, I was standing just in this spot when you told us the story of the Man Without a Country. I was overjoyed at the impression it made but little thought that in a few short years he with others of those same boys must go marching away to fight for their country. A friend d of mine living in Baltimore was one day driving her car towards Washington, she met two soldier boys on the road and asked if she might be of service to them, they were pleased to be invited to drive and immediately began a conversation. She asked them where they were from and they said “Carrick.” I have a college classmate living in that town. The boys were pleased to find that she was a friend of mine. They told her that the best lessons they had ever learned were in those meetings the first year of our club life. In the fall of 1914 the Boy Scout Troop was organized and took over the responsibility of the boy problem.

In April of 1914 having been severely criticized by a member of the Club relative t its progress and the work having been made hard by her interference I wrote her a letter saying that I would appreciated it greatly if she would assume the duties of President. This she did and by June the club had absolutely stopped. At this meeting there was no one present but herself and her secretary. In September a few of the women assured me that they would attend the meetings and do all in their power to help if I would reorganize. This was done. The first record I have is of this reorganization meeting. It was in November and Miss Mary Lyons of the Margaret Morrison School was the speaker, her subject was the Nutritive Value of Foods.

Meetings were held regularly during the year of 1914 and 1915. The programs and subjects were most interesting and the attendance increased. I find a note in my old diary giving the executive committee for this year: Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Ellsworth Trott, Mrs. D. J. Smith, Mrs. James Kirk and Mrs. Densmore. Mrs. Fred Goedecke was the secretary. It was at the February third meeting in 1915 that we began to have committees in charge of the program. The first committee was Mrs. Matthew Miller, Mrs. Walther Hartman, Mrs. Fred Goedecke and Mrs. Williamson who now lives in Johnstown. The list of those who joined during this year has many of the faithful members of today. I am going to read this list and would like as each name is called if the member is present for her to stand.

In September 1915 the club resumed its meetings. The first one was held in Carrick Park. Mrs. C B. Church spoke on Woman Suffrage. About this time politics was having its heyday in our town. Many problems relative to the schools were looming. The rooms were crowded and it was necessary to use on in the basement of the Concord School. A committee of mothers was appointed to visit the school each month much to the distress of the school board who resented any suggestions from the women. I had started my oldest daughter to school and with all kindness went to meet her teacher to show my interest in her problems. Much to my surprise I found the child in the basement room. I had descended about 15 steps; the odor of the formaline was nauseating. I found ten toilets next to the room and a boiler room almost opposite. Upon entering the room I made an effort to be very composed. Water dripped from the pipes overhead. Every window was over five feet from the floor. It was dark and disagreeable. Mrs. Louis Stevens, Mrs. Williamson and Mrs. Goedecke also had children in this room and when they found conditions they were equally as eager as I to make an endeavor to have some changes. Because of the attitude of the school board toward the women the committee composed of the aforementioned women asked the Board of Health to look into the matter. They at once condemned the room. This was our undoing. For at least a year the members of the Mother’s Club were known as The Cackling Hens of Carrick. Our efforts were then turned towards securing a new school building. A public meeting was called at the G. B. U. hall which the members of the Club and many of their husbands. The teachers were invited by the Directors to come out in a body and assured them that the Mother’s Club was against the school regime and its teaching force. How little they guessed the real purpose of our efforts to make Carrick Schools the best in the State. Oh, those were interesting days. At the close of the year on May 22, 1915, the club held its first reception for the teachers to show our real interest and regard for them. Plans were laid at this meeting to offer the furnishings for a teacher’s rest room but the letter sent to the board by our Committee was not even recognized.

In the early part of 1915, so many questions confronted the women that it was decided that a club with a wider scope them the Mother’s Club would be an asset to the community. A Civic Club with both men and women as members was organized. The Mother’s Club was to be an adjunct to the Civic Club. IN this way the women could work out their problems at the afternoon meetings, conducted just a previously. Civic problems were to be referred to the larger body so that the experience and helpful advice of the men might bring better results.

The Civic Club was short lived. Its President Dr. H. C. Gleiss a most able man found it almost impossible to keep committees after the constitution of which I happen to have a copy was well thought out and had the membership carried out its purpose an intentions Carrick would by now be a paradise indeed. But the women chaffed under their inability to take definite action at their meetings. They felt it too slow a procedure and too much endless routine to refer all matters to the higher authority. On February 1st,, 1916 the following letter was sent to the President of the Civic Club.

On February 2, 1916 the mother’s Club again became a separate and distinct organization. On March 1st, of this year the first baby day was held in Carrick at the G. B. U. Hall. It was a rather a baby exposition. The subjects of the afternoon were Corporal Punishment and Play. About 60 were present. Play was chosen because of the wish on the part of the Mother’s Club to serve ht children during the summer months at the park. A letter was sent to Mr. Roberts of the Park Commission offering our help in this great work and the follow reply was received.

On March 1st, the Mother’s Club had its first benefit, My Friend From India. How proud we were of the proceeds and delighted because it meant that we would now be able to enlarge our work. Our plans were made for a splendid summer school. Every thought was given to the Fourth of July benefit which we hoped would give a bountiful return. The playground opened on the 6th of July. That first morning is a beautiful picture in my mind. About 300 children gathered to sing songs, have kindergarten work and to enjoy other means of recreation. Hundreds of children had a delightful summer and many mothers were heard to say that they had enjoyed a real vacation.

One of the interesting features of the summer was the contest of kindness. I have a record of some of the lists of kindnesses. In looking them over I recall the little chap who won the first boy’s prize, a bathing suit. He had done everything possible from picking up glass on the street to placing flowers on his stepmother’s grave. I had a little nature class of 50 boys what a joy they were; for weeks after our study of the bat. Every bat that could be caught in Carrick was brought to me in a box. There we studied bugs and butterflies and moths until Mr. Phillips uttered his first objection to playground zoology. He said our place would not have a tree or shrub left in a little while they would be so infested with the bugs and moths the boys were bringing. Then we studied thistles. Late in September I was walking down the road, a barefoot boy from the opposite side of the street called, “I scratched my leg of a thistle but I don’t know what kind it was.” I sometimes think I hear those sweet voices still singing Suwannee River, The Blacksmith’s Song and the Lollypop Melody and then the closing days. Many of you remember this program an exhibition of sewing and kindergarten work and millinery made under the supervision of those splendid women who came morning after morning for six weeks to teach these dear little children.

Our third effort to make money was interesting. Samples, bags of samples, had been given the playground by the Department Stores the pieces of cretonne were mad into handkerchief cases and the ticking samples were used for pot holders. There were still hundreds of silk patches, so a silk quilt was made of these and later raffled netting about $250.00. I am hoping to get possession of this quilt for the Mother’s Club that it may be kept as one of our precious trophies.

In October of this year it seemed an opportune time to interest the young girls of Carrick in an organization which might prepare them for membership in the Mother’s Club at a later date. On the second Friday evening of October I invited all who cared to come to spend the evening in my home, and had games and music and fortune telling and refreshments but best of all before the girls left they had decided that they would be the girls Auxiliary of the Mother’s Club. Monthly meetings were held during the winter at the various homes. A part of each was spent in sewing and about 125 diapers were made for the South Side Hospital by these eager young hands. Happy to say the Girls Auxiliary of the Mother’s Club has continued until today; it is an asset to our community and a child of which we may well be proud. In 1917 and 18 our first program was printed here is the precious little book which gave us the assurance that we were now on a par with many of the other women’s clubs of the State.

In January, 1918, felt that the club was on a rock foundation, Directors meetings were held, committees were enthusiastically at work and that others loved the Mother’s Club as I did. I felt it for the best interest of the Club to resign as President that others might in turn have the opportunity to serve as I had had. I felt though like the mother who had for years tenderly nursed a delicate child. One whose every action had to be carefully guarded whose diet mist be planned and whose nervous physique mist be protected from shock of any kind and who had at least gradually grown into a strong, healthy little body that must be entrusted to someone else. I hoped and prayed for the welfare of this beloved child and was most eager to see that its next guardian should be one who was patient, who would overlook the weak places until it should be just a little stronger. My anxiety was over when Mrs. Daniel Pierce was persuaded by the nominating committee to allow her name to come before the organization for the next President. No one could have been more tactful, more sincere, and more earnest than she who guided us through those terrible months of war. Assuming office in September Mrs. Pierce held the women together for real service, although the Mother’s Club had called the first meeting to talk over plans for the Red Cross work in Carrick in May of 1917, it was found best since all the churches were eager to have units and were especially equipped for this particular kind of work, that it was not wise for the Mother’s Club to have a unit. Bu as one voice they responded to every war call. One of the trophies to hang on our club house wall is this service flag, also the list of Carrick Boy’s names who served in the war which was used as a stimulant for baying bonds.

The influenza hospital was established in October of this year. This splendid work of service with which our club affiliated itself is written not alone in the records of our time but in God’s great book “They did it in my name.”

I can never wipe from my memory those scenes in the hospital room when those of us who heard the pitiful calls for help thanked God that we were able through organization work to give the cup of cold water in His name. There were times this year when our meetings were not well attended, but at the call of our President in an emergency or for a definite service for our Country the response came as from one. It was during Mrs. Pierce’s administration that the Building Committee was first appointed. It was called a Standing Committee and it is amusing now to recall the remarks on the day of the name of this committee as to the small chances of our ever having a club house. One member laughingly remarked, “It is well named, a Standing Committee. It will stand for years.” We shall always remember with pleasure our war time President.

In September 1910, Mrs. Ellsworth Trott, wife of our present burgess, assumed the office of President. Women were not quite so busy now with their war time duties. They had learned the lessons of relative values. They had a broader, bigger interest in the world about them. Home, although the same beautiful sphere as before, had enlarged its walls. All were more generous. There was no so much feeling of antagonism. A new era seemed to be dawning. For two years little interest had been shown in the betterment of civic conditions and so Mrs. Trott’s calls were Many to have the club members become interested in carrying out plans which had lain dormant during the war. She worked arduously for the club’s good, gave unsparingly of her time and energy to provide programs that would be of real value to the women. To Mrs. Trott and the Committees which so ably assisted her; the club owes a debt of gratitude.

A wise providence always directs the affairs of those who are sincere and so make it possible in some way to carry on his great plans for the welfare of his children. It would be a human impossibility to carry on the work of any great group of people for years without differences of opinion arising and without some personalities misunderstanding each other. Just at this critical juncture when misunderstandings each other. Just at this critical juncture when misunderstandings were beginning to show themselves, Mrs. James Kirk assumed the Presidency. No one could be more peace loving than she. Peace to her is a ruling passion. Not peace at any price but peace brought about by an understanding of the difficulties. She has always had a peculiar power of setting right difficulties and so under her guidance all went beautiful. Our programs were enlarged through her able committee; an effort was made to use every name on our list in some helpful way. The Drama Committee was formed at this time. The Club began to hold its meetings in the homes in order to promote a greater social ability. This custom was so successful that it has been adhered to for two years. The first musical was held in May of that year. Our greatest Operatic and financial success was mad in the Old Folks Concert which netted the Club over one thousand dollars. In all, her administration was so busy the program so full, that although Mrs. Kirk attempted twice t read her report from the State Federation at Harrisburg, she never accomplished it.

The personality of a leader always imprints itself in the type of work which our organization accomplishes. With Mrs. Frank Beech’s sweet, sympathetic disposition, it is only natural that the outstanding feature of her year should be the Philanthropic Work. This department was started away back in 1915 with a Brotherly Love Day so that all who lived within Carrick Borough might have an opportunity to share in a small way in helping the unfortunate members of our circle. This work has grown into a great philanthropic system. Each year has seen the hungry children fed. The suffering given relief and the sad given the substantial cheer of a helping hand. The helpful spirit of our club during Mrs. Beech’s presidency toward the worthy poor was the outstanding feature. Would I had time to tell of some of the homes made happy but I think the most concrete example of real service last year was the establishment of Mrs. Mary Donovan in a tea room where she is now a respected and helpful member of the community, performing a real service and at the same time because of the services rendered by the members of this club, able to care for her four fine children.

And now our present splendid club of 1922 and 1923, just ten years old, although so young, Mrs. John Anderson, our President, has a mature and precocious child mentally to care for, one with all the modern disposition to think beyond its years, and a real ambition to use properly every minute of its passing time. To think that one of the Club’s greatest dreams is to be realized as a birthday gift, a club house, yes, a real one. The Building Committee has not been a “standing” one but an active, working committee. Now we start on to the next decade with enlarge visions, with a new inspiration to serve the great community we love so dearly. May we in future endeavor to lay such an impregnable foundation for right living, for high ideals for beautiful friendships, for Christ-like men and women. Let our children and our children’s children shall bless the Mother’s Club of Carrick.

In the summer of 1918, Mrs. William McClure took charge of the playground in Carrick Park and again with the help of wonderful committees was able to give a beautiful summer of recreation and pleasure to hundreds of children. Unfortunately, this was the last time the Mother’s Club was able to put their efforts into this work for again politics played a part in our life and the summer playground work was place in the hands of the School Board.

Our first difficulties were with the School Board. I well recall the first time any woman ever visited this august assemblage. She went to report a condition which she knew absolutely existed as she lived next to the Concord School. She was so terrified at the reception that she received that she fainted upon leaving the room and fell down the stairs.

Jan 1913 - Club grew out of PTA of Concord School 1916 Summer Playground in the Park. Summer School. 300 children. 1916 Girls Auxiliary 1918 Influenza Hospital in the G. B. U. Hall Presidents – Mrs. John M. Phillips; 1918 Mrs. Daniel Pierce; 1919 Mrs. Ellsworth Trott; Mrs. James Kirk

Club Facts

Club Motto: Mutual helpfulness

Club Colors: Yellow and White

Federation: 1916

Congress of Clubs: 1919


Mrs. John M. Phillips 1913 - 1918
Mrs. Sarah R. Pierce 1918 - 1919
Mrs. Ellsworth C. Trott 1919 - 1920
Mrs. Susan B. Kirk 1920 - 1921
Mrs. Frank B. Beech 1921 - 1922
Mrs. John T. Anderson 1922 - 1923
Mrs. Wm. Colteryahn 1923 - 1924

Mrs. John M. Phillips Mrs. Ellsworth C. Trott President
Mrs. M. J. Gannon First Vice President
Mrs. Edward R. Davis Second Vice President
Mrs. Leonard J. Seiferth Recording Secretary
Mrs. William Steward Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. George L. Gearing Treasurer
Miss Marie Gurtner Pres. Young Ladies' Auxillary

Mothers' Club Booklet 1919 - 1920
Mothers club booklet.jpg Mothers club booklet page 2.jpg Mothers club booklet page 3.jpg
Executive Committee
and Committee Memberships
Mothers club booklet page 4.jpg Mothers club booklet page 5.jpg Mothers club booklet page 7.jpg
Constitution and By-Laws
Mothers club booklet page 8.jpg Mothers club booklet page 9.jpg Mothers club booklet page 10.jpg
Mothers club booklet page 11.jpg

Events of 1922
1922 Events.jpg
  • United States Supreme Court upheld the suffrage movement.
  • Oil scandals made their appearance.
  • Mrs. Millie Penfield was the first woman juror drawn in Allegheny County.
  • Pope Benedict XV died.
  • Carrick High School built.
  • Anderson bought their home.
  • M.C.of C. got their home.
  • Congress of Clubs opened its building - "we gave them $15.00 they ask[sic] for 50.

Mothers' Club Houses

Toast To Our Club House
By: Frieda McKelvey Anderson, June 1924
"(with apologies to Edgar Guest.)"

It took a heap o'fixin', to make that house a Home,
First of all, a place to put it, never more to roam.

Partitions taken out: more windows put in,
Plaster, paint and flooring, and even some new tin.

It took our Mrs. Gearing to see the whole thing thru,
And all on her committee were faithful and true.

Furnishings and draperies, attention needed too
So Mrs. Trott and her committee had their bit to do.

By your generosity these dreams were realized
The Club House stands completed, a treasure to be prized.

A Symbol to our city of greater things to come,
It takes a heap o' fixin' to make a house a Home.

Postcard Front.jpg
First Mothers' Club meeting house.
Carrick High School Parkfield and Spokane 2.jpg
The current view of first house site
Carrick High School.
House postcard.jpg
Carrick Mothers' Club, July 1958

House 1997.jpg

Mothers' Club Events and Activities

Anniversary Events

"...and so it seemed wise to attempt a civic club inviting the men into membership,
and having the Mothers Club as a department specializing particularly in the things of interest to women."

Mother's Club History Up To 20th Anniversary, 1933
Club History P1.jpg Club History P2.jpg

Events 1917 - 1921

Club History P3.jpg

Events 1921 - 1932

Club History P4.jpg

"Plans for Club House"

Club History P5.jpg

35th Anniversary, 1948
Tea Party 1948.jpg 35 Years.jpg Thirty-fifth Anniversary.jpg

40th Anniversary, 1953
40th Anniv Part 1.jpg 40th Anniv Part 2.jpg

President Receptions

Mrs. J.C. Torbitt, Year unknown
MCC0044a.jpg MCC0044b.jpg
MCC0044c.jpg MCC0044d.jpg

Mrs. George Korpa, 1955
Mrs. George Korpa 1955.jpg Mrs. George Korpa July 13 1955.jpg

Service Activities

Letter and Ordinance for Soldiers' Memorial, 1927

Ordinance Letter.jpg Ordinance P1.jpg Ordinance P2.jpg

Soldiers' Memorial Dedication, May 1928

Dedication Invitation.jpg Memorial Dedication.jpg

Tree Dedication Letter, September 30, 1936

Tree Dedication.jpg "The Mothers' Club of Carrick
has established the custom
of marking a tree in the Carrick Park
in memory of those who served it as president."

Letter to the Editor, The Pittsburgh Press 1947

Letter to the Editor 1947.jpg
"I was so interested that I presented it to the womans' club of which I am a member
in another part of the city, which, after a serious discussion, voted to co-operate by
making a $10 contribution." - Mrs. Frieda M. Anderson

Mothers' Club Notables

March 8, 1916 March 11, 1928 October 8, 1931
PG Mothers Article 1.JPG

Pittsburg Press

PG Mothers Article 2.JPG

Pittsburgh Press

Harriet phillips 1931.jpg

This 1931 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article,
notes Harriet Duff Phillips as the founder
of the Mothers' Club of Carrick.

Mrs. John M. Phillips, America's Mother, May 1944
Americas Mother 1944.jpg Gardening 1944.jpg Sun Telegraph May 12 1944.jpg
Mrs. Mary Colbert, "Mother of the Year"
Mrs. Vernon Colbert.jpg

Carrickulum Vol. 10 - January 23, 1935

Carrickulum Vol10.JPG

"Bird House Contest for Hill-Top Students
Sponsored by the Mother's Club of Carrick"

The Club Journal

Vol. 1 No. 1 - April 3, 1940

Club Journal Vol. 1
M.C.C. Progress Traced from 1913 - Pages 1-2
Meet The Mothers - Page 3
Mrs. Phillips Forms Boys' Recreation Club - Page 3
Fifteen Women Enter, Swell Club Membership - Page 4

Vol. 1 No. 3 - Sept. 4, 1940

Club Journal No. 3
Neighboring Clubs To Be Honored At Guest Day Next Wednesday
One Hundred Garments Completed For Red Cross At Summer Sewings Page 1
Committee Chatter Page 2
Meet The Mothers Page 3
Club Represented By Six Delegates At State College Page 4

Photo and Media Gallery

Video Clips

This video was transferred from a 16mm reel found in the home of the former Mothers Club of Carrick, PA. This reel was donated to the Carrick-Overbrook Historical Society and then converted to DVD. Currently this footage is the only home movie of the Carrick Community in this early time period of the 1940s. This movie also contains the original entrance to Carrick Park which was later renamed "Phillips Park." Also featured is the original Mothers Club house which was demolished for Pittsburgh Carrick High School’s first addition. This film was very rare for its time since it was in color and originally there was sound recorded onto a phonograph. At this present time we are unable to locate the audio that was recorded.

Part 1 Part 2


1938 Mothers Club Photo

Mothers club group photo.jpg

Mothers club group photo back.jpg

Photo Album Anne Cherry.jpg Photo Album June 1953.jpg

Past Presidents of Carrick Mothers' Club
at Schneiders 3926 Browsville Road. Brentwood, PA. - Year unknown
Past Presidents Dinner1.jpg Top Row - Left to Right

Peg Berger, Catherine Funk, Mae Dean, Kay Dunbar, Eleanore Schneider, Irene Kerr

Lydia Taylor, Mrs. Robeson, Mrs. Rasser, Freida Anderson

Past Presidents Dinner2.jpg Eleanore Schneider, Peg Berger, Irene Kerr, Frieda Anderson, Catherine Funk
Past Presidents Dinner3.jpg Kay Dunbar, Mae Dean, Mrs. Graf, Mrs. Robeson, Lydia Taylor