Carrick Profile 1970

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CARRICK – 1970


Prepared by . . . The Department of City Planning, Pittsburgh, PA, August 1974

Carrick is a community of predominantly middle-income homeowners, with a commercial strip along the neighborhood’s Brownville Road “spine.” It is largely a family neighborhood, although the number of young families has decreased in the past few years while the proportion of elderly persons has increased.

The community was built up principally between the turn of the century and the 1920’s. Single and two-family housing varies in type from the large houses in top condition on sizable lots to relatively inexpensive structures in medium condition on small lots, particularly in slope areas. There are a few apartment buildings on Brownsville Road. The ethnic background of Carrick’s largest population group has been German and remains so, though to a decreasing extent. Most of the German population was Catholic, but there were many Protestants in the community, too.

Carrick is surrounded on three sides by independent boroughs, and relates very closely with all of them. The community boundaries are generally those of the 29th Ward – in a line with the southern boundary of Mt. Oliver, the Baldwin-Brentwood ridge line above Becks Run, and the western edge of Phillips Park, adjacent to the Overbrook community.

Education in 1960

Education 1960 Percent of Total 1970 Percent of Total
No schooling 118 1.2% 109 1.2%
1 to 8 grade 3998 39.7% 2626 28.9%
High School 1-3 2444 24.3% 2295 25.2%
High School 4 2750 27.3% 3353 36.9%
College 1-3 362 3.6% 433 4.8%
College 4 388 3.9% 278 3.1%
Total 10060 100% 9093 100%

Persons receiving Public Assistance 1972

Assistance Type Number of Recipients Percent of Total Population

Old Age 32 .20%

Blind 14 .09%

AIDC 482 3.11%

General 98 .63%

Aid to Disabled 18 .11%

Total 644 4.14%

City – 14%

Crime Rate 1972

Crime # of Arrests Crime Rate Ratio of the total population of the area

Murder 1 .01

Rape 5 .03

Robbery 19 .12

Assault 68 .44

Burglary 123 .79

Larceny 92 .59

Total 308 1.98

City rate 4.71

Median Family Income 1960-1970

The median income for Carrick families was $6,305 in 1960. In 1970, the median family income was $9,386, representing a ten year change of 48.8%. City wide the median family income rose from $5,605 in 1960, to $8,800 in 1970, a 57% change.

Occupation: Major Occupation Classifications of Persons 14 years and over, 1970

The largest percentage of people in this neighborhood work in sales and clerical positions. This group constitutes 33% of the employed population. The largest percentage fo people in the city work sales and clerical positions, which represents 28% fo the total population.

MaleFemaleTotal Percent of Total

Prof., Tech,l, Manage., Administrative 502 213 715 12.38

Sales and Clerical 725 1206 1931 33.47

Craftsman, Operatives, Foreman 1750 148 1898 32.89

Laborers, Services, Household Workers 755 469 1224 21.21

Total Employed 3732 2036 5768 100.00