Carrick Glossary of Terms
A & P Store – First in now the old Isaly’s, then moved to a small room near Brentwood Bank, maybe in 1933, where the Melrose Theater was built.
C. H. Stolzenbach – First Borough Treasurer, First President of Carrick Bank
Adam Diehl – First Borough Burgess lived 2338 Brownsville Road.
Agnew Glass Works – Located at the intersection of Brownsville Road and current E. Agnew Avenue.
Alpha Sign Company – first company to install billboards on Brownsville Road in Carrick. Signs called eyesores even at that time.
Bird Day - created in the late 1800s to teach children about nature and to promote bird in the neighborhoods.
Birmingham Cemetery - (a/k/a Zimmerman Cemetery, a/k/a Lorch's Cemetery, a/k/a German United Protestant Evangelical Cemetery), 2511 Brownsville Rd., 412-881-2201
Boardwalk John – nickname for John M. Phillips because he wanted to build a 4’ wide boardwalk from Mt. Oliver to the 3rd. toll gate. He had a vision of a future 60’ Right of Way street and sidewalk and had citizens volunteer to build the street. As a demonstration of what a 60’ Right of Way paved road and sidewalk would look like, John M. Phillips purchases the property across from his 2236 Brownsville Road home so he could lay sidewalks and widen and pave Brownsville Road.
British Columbia Connection – Mountain named after John M. Phillips
Brownsville Plank Road – known by that name because of the 4’ plank road for clean riding and maintained by tolls.
Brownsville Road – At one time was an Indian Trail was also known as Brownsville Pittsburgh Toll Road, Brownsville Plank Road, Southern Avenue and Brownsville Road. The road had at one time three toll booths, was a mud rutted road impassible in spring and fall, used by farmers to transport livestock to Pittsburgh and was a stagecoach route to Brownsville PA. John M. Phillips was called Boardwalk John because of his effort to plank Brownville Road and widened the road to its current width.
Brownsville Road names – Southern Avenue, Brownsville Plank Road, Birmingham and Brownsville Macadamized Turnpike Road, Brownsville Avenue.
Bucks Tavern – A toll booth, hotel and tavern for travelers using Brownsville Road to Brownville. Currently the Italian Club. Built in 1818, burned in 1853.
Carrick Bank – first bank to be organized in the community. A. H. Stolzenbach becomes the first President. Biddle Boys said to have robbed Carrick Bank in their bank robbing spree.
Carrick's Borough's 10th Anniversary - 1914 Booklet
Carrick Borough Building - 1906 dedication.
Carrick Borough Building – located next to Caruso’s Music Store
Carrick First – First Borough to lay all streets on a six inch base. As a result there is still little need for repairs on these streets.First sanitary sewer system in Western Pennsylvania
Carrick Hotel - Also known as the Hotel Carrick and is currently the location of Acapulco Joe's Bar and apartment.
Carrick Library – formerly operated by the Fire Company was established in 1930.
Carrick Mural - Currrently being painted on Vern's Electric Building. Once the site of Agnew Glass Works and Werner Moving and Storage Company.
Carrick Post Office – First government post office in Baldwin Township established in December 23, 1853.
Carrick Post Office – Possibly currently Caruso’s Music Store.
Carrick Streetcar Ordinance – “If a streetcar picked up a fireman on the way to a fire, streetcar was not allowed to stop except to pick up another fireman.”
Carrick Swan and Rock – official emblem of Carrick-on-Suir, Ireland. Rock because in Gaelic Carrick means Rock and swans because it is located on the River Suir which has many swans.
Carrick Telephone office – 1904 had 50 subscribers, by 1910 had 300.
Carrick’s Acreage – size in acres of Carrick in 1927 -1,015
Carrick-on-Suir – Carrick Post Office was named after this Irish City of Dr. John O’Brien who had the honor of naming the first post office in this area of Baldwin Township in 1853.
Cary, Emily Pritchard - Emily Pritchard Cary was a native of Pittsburgh and now lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. Emily writes about her life in Carrick.
Concord Church – was one of the first churches built in Carrick in 1831.
Concord Elementary School – current location is the fifth location. Originally built on the back of Concord Church as one room and became known as Concord. Second location at Brownsville Road and Agnew Avenue, Third location on Agnew Avenue and Dowling. Forth location on Carrick Avenue. Fifth and final location on Brownsville Road and Biscayne Avenue.
Concord Presbyterian Church – First church building built in 1832. Burial site of Snowden, a mayor of Pittsburgh and nameske of Snowden township, later renamed South Park Township.
Crailo area of Carrick near Concord Church.
Depression Life - Article from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about life in the depression by Carrick native Emily Pritchard Cary.
Dr. John O’Brien – named the first US Post Office in this area in 1853 after his home town of Carrick-on-Suir.
Dudt’s Bakery – located at Belplain Avenue and 2552 Brownsville Road. Highly rated throughout the South Hills. Cameron Dudt owner.
E. C. Trott – Sixth Burgess
Ellsworth C. Trott – Last Burgess of Carrick Borough 1927.
Engleartville – First name of the Carrick area named after Engleart Glass Company.
Engleartville – One of the original names of Carrick named after the Engleart Glass Works
Esso Station – Located at Brownsville Road and Claus Avenue.
First Council of Carrick Borough – Wm. Sankey, John M. Phillips, Phillip Benz, Richard Hartung, Jacob Dieterle, Henry Eiler, John Werner.
First school in Carrick – name unknown but reference is made to a school in a house at Brownsville Road and Wynoka Street.
Harriet Duff Phillips – Wife of John M. Phillips, daughter of Dr. Duff. 1913 founded Mothers Club. 1916 founded Brashear Settlement. 1934-1938 President of the PA. Federation of Woman’s Clubs. Pioneer of Planned Parenthood Program, 1956 Phillips Elementary School named after her father and her. South Side Hospital Board of Directors. Board member of Pittsburgh Board of Education.
Henry Schenk – Second Burgess
Hornaday Road - named after William T. Hornaday by John M. Phillips William Hornaday was an environmentalist and naturalist and friend who accompanied John M. Phillips on many excursions to classify animals.
Hotel Carrick – currently Acapulco Joes Bar at the corner of Newett Avenue and Brownsville Road
Impton - Mansion's name of John M. Phillips and Harriet Duff Phillips
J. A. J. Haupt – Fifth Burgess
J. S. Stanford – First Postmaster of the Carrick Post Office in December 23, 1853
James Wilson – First Carrick Borough Post Master
Joe Speiker – Carrick Historian in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
John J. Fleming – industrialist and inventor who lived in Carrick and worked as the chief engineer of Phillips Mining and Manufacturing Company.
John Lemon – First Borough Solicitor
John M. Phillips – nephew of John Phillips, PA Game Commissioner, City of Pittsburgh Councilman, creator of Phillips Park, owned mansion at 2335
Brownville Road current site of St. Pius Church, naturalist, environmentalist, Boy Scout Founder in Pennsylvania, owner of Phillips Mine and Manufacturing Company. In 1924 President Calvin Cooledge named him chair of a national conference on conservation.
John M. Phillips’ Children – 3 daughters Mrs. Anna Jane Phillips Shuman, Mrs. Mary Phillips Lutz, Mrs. Margaret Phillips Chalfont, 2 sons John M. Phillips, Jr. (Whitehall Borough Councilman), James M. Phillips. Also had 13 grandchildren.
John Nusser – Third Burgess
John Phillips – Owned a mansion that sat in the middle of current Hornaday Road and owned 12 acres of land that became known as Phillips Manor.
John Saits – First Borough Tax Collector
John Wilson - Wilson's Farm – was one of the original settlers of this area. A revolutionary war soldier who was granted land for service in the Revolutionary war and operated a farm from current Biscayne to Parkfield to Route 51. Overbrook Boulevard was once called Wilson’s Alley.
Jumbo – Motorcycle cop in Carrick Borough in the 1920’s
June 21, 1904 – Carrick becomes a borough.
Keeling Coal Company owner of a coal mine on St. Patrick Street in Mt. Oliver. The mine was connected with the South Side by an incline, now the site of a public park, that ran from St. Patrick St. to 21st St. and Quarry. The mine continued under Mt. Oliver, crossed a ravine on a 200 yard trestle over Wagner Street, and continued under Carrick near Bruner and Linnview Avenue.
L’Enfant – Mother and child sculpture currently residing at Overbrook Boulevard and Ravilla Street since 1966. Won second price in Paris, France. Sculpted by Roger Bloche.
Landefeld Dry Goods Store – Across from Melrose was Brentwood Bank.
L'Enfant - Mother's statue – Originally called L’Enfant was donated to the Mother’s House and resides at the intersection of Overbrook Boulevard and Ravilla Street.
Lennox Gulf Station – was also a trolley barn later on and the end of the line until line extended to the current Bank site and bus turn around.
Maytide Street - Named Maine Street before Overbrook Borough became and Carrick Borough became part of the City of Pittsburgh
Marie Brose Tepe - Also known as "French Mary"
Michael Dawida – State Representative, State Senator, Allegheny County Commissioner.
Mr. Erny’s – Home and Funeral Home built in 1928 across from Raleigh Square.
Nicholas Bausman -1818 sells the Carrick area to Noble Calhoun for $5,000.
Nicholodean – Currently the St. Basil’s Credit Union and was the site of Carrick Library.
Nick Markowitz – early (1976) Carrick Historian.
Noble Calhoun -1842 sells Carrick to William Noble for $17,000
Open the Door to the Hilltop – John M. Phillips’ slogan to widen 18th Street and pave it.
Passionist Convent – Erected in 1910 and was one of the first of its kind in America.
Peter A Devlin – one of the area’s first settlers. Log cabin moved to Phillips Park but no one remembers it there. One photo in the old South Hills Record shows it on Walton off Churchview.
Phillips Park – named after John M. Phillips for the many donated trees and swimming pool. Also known as Dilly’s Grove, Southern Park and Carrick Park was originally a Trolley Traction Park with vaudeville acts, roller coasters, merry go rounds and other attractions. Dilly’s Grove was part of the Coffey Estate bought in 1904 for $29,000
Raleigh Square – Once a farm and land taken in 1928 and prior to that year farm was here. The farm was not taken care and fire destroys the 2 story, frame, unpainted house of the farmer who had a wife and 8 children. Sold by the farmer who had 8 children but could no longer make ends meet. Land comprised of an area along Brownsville Road from the Phillips’ residence to Willies (across from Clifton Street to Maytide Street and on back to Phillps’ residence. The land bordered by Biscayne Avenue to around Wysox Avenue to Maytide Street to Valera Street.
Rev. John Hazlett – Pastor Concord Presbyterian Church in 1872 starts academy for Higher Education at his home, Oak Grove, on Brownsville Road and corner of Stewart Avenue. Academy was the first school south of the Monongahela River to provide secondary education for older boys and girls.
Robert Russell – First Borough Clerk
Roosevelt Elementary School - Originally located on The Boulevard and named Quentin Roosevelt Elementary School after Theodore Roosevelt's son.
Seemiller, Danny - Danny Seemiller is an American table tennis player. By 1972, he was the number one qualifier on the U.S. World Team. he has won five U.S. Men's Singles Championships (in 1976, 1977, 1980, 1982, and 1983). He was once ranked #19 in the world.
Shell Gas Station – now Lennox Gulf
Shemmelrock Funeral Home – Funeral Home in Carrick at current site of Carrick Shopping Center.
Shuty, Betty - Local resident
Spiketown – Comes into existance in 1868. The area around current Volunteer’s Fields. Neighborhood of homes built by miners of the Keeling Coal Company. Said to be called Spiketown because the miners used mine spikes to build their homes. Also said to be named after the Speiker Family whose large family also lived in the area.
St. Basil’s School and Church – Originally located on Cherryhill Street at the site of Roosevelt School. Church was built at the current location in 1907.
St. Pius X Church - Built on the site of John M. and Harriet Duff Phillips home of Impton.
Stanley’s Parlors – Bowling lanes and apartments.
Stewart Avenue – named after the great Stewart Farm.
Storch’s Electric Marble and Granite Works – at what is now the Dairy Queen Property.
The Hornaday Road Report - by Joe Krynock. Joe explains how the Hornaday Road project started and how the History Society was started.
Toll Stations – First toll station was located at Knox Avenue, another at the current Italian Club and a third at current Churchview Road
Traction Park – Current Phillips Park becomes a “traction park.” Previously known as Dilly’s Grove and Carrick Park. Purchased as a Community Park. Dedicated at a great 4th of July celebration in 1914.
Trolley 59 Carrick – Double ended trolley operated in the 1920’s during rush hour and turned around on a short track spur at the corner of Brownsville Road and Crailo Street.
Trolley Barns - Carrick Shopping Center where the current Foodland is located was a brick trolley barn, demolished in the 1950's and the end of the line at one time.
Valdiserri’s Fruit Market – across from Zimmerman Cemetery closes 1932.
Walter Finch – First Street Commissioner
William McCurg Donely – First Borough Engineer
William Noble - 1855 sells 100 acres for $45,000 and in 1865 sells 100 acres for $106,000. Probable namesake of Noble's Lane.
William Sankey, Jr. – Fourth Burgess
William Wightman’s Land – Bought from the Indians for one iron ax by William Wightman. Area from present Parkfield Street to Maytide Street along Brownsville Road then west along Saw Mill Run. Present Verizon telephone building on this land.
Wm. Bauman – First Police Chief
Wm. H. Sprenkle – President Principal of Schools from 1909
Yago’s Hardware – Located next to current Carrick Hardware.